Selling a business presents challenges. Some points to consider: Confidentiality - how do you minimize the possibility of employees, vendors, and competitors, finding out that your business is for sale? An experienced and competent broker operates on a "need to know" basis by first evaluating prospective buyers and only then having them sign a confidentiality agreement.
When you are ready to sell a business, how do you establish a price? Price too low, leave money on the table, price too high, nothing happens. An experienced Business Team broker will naturally have an intuitive feeling about the marketplace derived from being involved in perhaps hundreds of sales but he/she will also have access to our 6,000+ proprietary transactions data base to give you the clearest picture possible of current market conditions.
If you sell a business to a buyer and it later fails, the buyer will sometimes look in your direction when pointing fingers. How do you minimize exposure? A competent broker will help you prepare the relevant disclosures and even more importantly, he/she will have carefully matched the buyer to your business and will provide you with as much information as possible so that you can make an informed decision as to the buyer's probability of success. Click here to sell a business.