Liquor Store Available in Monterey County

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MO11506 - Liquor Stores

Northern California - Central Coast

Liquor Store Available in Monterey County

Business Description:

This is a liquor store newly constructed 2.5 years ago on the Monterey Peninsula in the middle of the pandemic. It is located in a neigborhood shopping center with a major grocery store, banking, restaurants, fast food service. It offers customers personal service of delivery, promptly providing liquor for special events such as weddings & celebrations. Even restaurants have relied on the Seller’s personal delivery service. If a new Buyer can be a server at events/bartending, there is great potential for added income. Liquor inventory of $70,000 is in addition to the purchase price. Revenue is still growing!

Asking Price: $290,000

Real Property Available:

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Recast Earnings (Not Verified by Business Team)

Financial Data Not Available


# of Employees Full Time Part Time
Non-Owners 0 0
Owners 1 0

Hours of Operation
Mon to Sun 9am to 9pm

Licenses Required:

  • ABC-type 21 Liquor
  • Business
  • Resale


Monthly Rent Including NNN:


For 5 years



Type of Organization:

Reason for Sale:
Moving out of the county

2 weeks 20 hours

Contact us About this Listing

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*Your E-Mail Address (Required)
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Business Team Office Nearest You

Call Us:

Boise: (208) 906-0237
Brea: (213) 737-4932
Fresno: (800) 622-0192
Irvine: (213) 737-4932
Los Angeles: (213) 737-4932
Monterey: (831) 372-5888
Pleasant Hill: (925) 609-9100
Portland: 503-233-5505
Rancho Mirage: 800-622-0192
Reno: 650-465-3501
Sacramento: (916) 678-6777
San Francisco: (415) 227-4411
San Jose: (408) 246-1102
Santa Rosa: (707) 584-6248
Seattle: 425-957-6180
Spokane: 509.443.4337
Stockton: (800) 622-0192

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is compiled from information provided by the seller(s). Business Team (CA BRE 01160661) makes no representation as to its accuracy or reliability. Prospective buyer(s) should rely upon their own verification and that of their financial advisors with respect to this information.